
Astral realm
Astral realm

The 4D schism placed a barrier in the nadial capsule that separates the astral body/ heart chakra from merging with the 3D solar plexus mental body. The 2D schism split the instinctual body into separate functions, a collection of fragmented sub-personalities (generated from soul memories) and a repository of personal emotional energies and collective chaotic forces. The genetic block and removal of these DNA tones created a dual identity in both the 2D and 4D levels of the Astral Plane, and is how the “shadow self” and unconscious aspects were first generated in the digressed human DNA. This is known as the Pain Body and the repository which is the Negative Forms of the many shadow selves. When the 4th Chakra is blocked it accumulates aberrant emotional energies in the 2nd Chakra creating trauma, Soul Fragmentation and Addiction problems. Most NAA Mind Control is manipulated in the Astral Plane and this Alien Machinery has damaged humanities Astral Heart and 4th Chakra, thus blocking our true heart purpose which is to express the soul through the heart center. Whoever controls the Mind controls the Soul. When one has control over the thoughts of one’s mind, one has control over the direction and actions of the physical body, all of its parts and reclaiming of the soul energies. It is Green in colour and it opens into the dimensions of the Astral Plane. This is the Astral Heart Chakra located in the centre of the chest and is the 4th Chakra. For more detail see the Universal Time Matrix. The Astral Plane is the 4th dimension and the first layer of the triad of the Soul Matrix. These three layers can be seen in the 12 Tree Grid graphic as in the soul dimension and are related to the 5th dimensional timelines on the future planet earth Tara. Each of these layers, 4D, 5D and 6D correlate to the same referenced Chakra energy center, its colored wave spectrum and a dimension of time and space in the future. The entire soul body is made of three layers that interact together. By promoting distortions around the sexual act, gender roles and corrupting our relationship to our mother and father parent, our race descended into Sexual Misery. This was taken advantage of by the negative aliens to splinter the Soul Matrix energies, rather than the natural process to integrate and heal, by controlling the sexual energies. The damage promoted in these centers also resulted in emotional distortions and aberrant accumulated energies in the lower bodily energy centers, such as in the 2nd Chakra, which became a repository of pain and Addiction. Upon hijack of these 4D energy centers, False White Light, false Christ consciousness grids, aka False Ascension, were eventually used here to misguide and control human beings. These 2D/4D energy centers are compromised and are a part of every human being’s heart chakra complex and Pain Body, as well as linked to the histories of the planetary heart complex in Giza, Egypt. The fourth dimension, a green energy wave spectrum, is a dimension with heart damage ( Anubian Black Heart and soul based trauma, which is partially propagated from incredible history of human soul damage upon the planet. The Astral Plane is the fourth dimension and is referred to as the Astral plane or Astral dimension of the Soul Matrix.

Astral realm